What is Digital Marketing?

Helping Women Entrepreneurs in Chicago with their Digital Marketing Strategies. Whether you are looking for digital marketing courses online or just wondering what digital marketing is, I can help. Learn about Digital Marketing and then if you want to learn more and need a digital marketing agency in Chicago contact me.

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How to Use Storytelling in Your Marketing

Small businesses, entrepreneurs, and any executive can use storytelling in their marketing. This is one of the most effective forms of marketing and so easy to implement. It sometimes pulls at your heart strings and other times creates inspiration. Whether you use it in social media, a blog or an ad it can be your #1 strategy in marketing.

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Social Media Strategy for Small Businesses, Entrepreneurs & Realtors

How entrepreneurs, small businesses and real estate professionals can use social media to gain customers. Many professionals do not really understand how to effectively use social media. Here are a few best practices when it comes to gaining customers and improving your customer engagement. Whether you are using Facebook, Pinterest, Linkedin, YouTube or Instagram the same principles apply.

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Segmenting Your Market & Choosing Your Target

Entrepreneurs, small business owners, real estate professionals and other businesses may need to reconsider their targeting and segmentation strategies. We no longer segment based purely on demographics. A more effective strategy is to look at behavior. This is called response based segmentation.

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Lizabeth Kohler
How to Gain Customer Insights

Small businesses, entrepreneurs and real estate professionals can increase their sales simply by learning what their customers want. Learn what motivates them and what their pains are. What info do they need and give it to them. There are several techniques to use to gain customer insights and a few tools you might use.

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Lizabeth Kohler
Increasing Customer Engagement for Small Business Owners

Social media is not like old fashioned advertising. You want to engage or communicate with your customers or target market. Small business owners, entrepreneurs and real estate professionals can profit if they know how to do this effectively. There are some techniques for engaging with you clients and prospects to attract paying customers.

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Lizabeth Kohler