What is Digital Marketing?

Many small businesses and entrepreneurs know they should be doing digital marketing, but are confused as to exactly what that means. Is digital marketing just posting on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter? Others think it is just regular marketing done online.

Digital Marketing in 2020 encompasses many platforms, tools, and strategies to be most effective. Digital marketing includes:

Gaining Customer Insights - Learning about your potential customers by scouring the internet to learn what they are talking about and truly understanding their needs

Segmenting the Market - You can segment the market and then use hyper-targeting to get a very small niche

Analyze the Customer Journey - Take a look at the various steps of the customer journey and find areas for improvement

Test Ads on Social Media - See which ads are most effective and keep testing various ads until you find the most effective ones

Automate Newsletters - Use a drip campaign to give your customers information that they will find helpful no matter where they are in the customer buying cycle. Segment this by demographics, buying stage, behavior and more.

Use Google Analytics, SEO, Artificial Intelligence and more to further improve your digital marketing. All of this is categorized under Digital Marketing and can be used to drive leads, improve the customer experience, engage better with customers and improve your ROI.

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