How Does Providing Great Content Really Attract Customers?

For years I have read that to create awareness you need to create great content, but what does that really mean? There really is a system and you cannot just post great content and expect results. You have to be a bit more methodical about it.


What Doesn’t Work

Just posting on social media, either paid or organic really doesn’t generally work.

Posting sales or anything that requires people to take action before they know who you are doesn’t work.

Promoting your business time after time doesn’t work. This is what we used to do, but no longer works.

Recommended Steps

Get your website up and running and fill it with answers to FAQs.

Set up a blog on your website and write articles to FAQs.

Drive people to your blog articles hosted on your website with a social media campaign and the CTA should be to sign up for your blog

Drive people to your educational videos with a social media campaign

Create great content, but not within a social media post necessarily. You can do it with a blog or video. This allows customers to learn more about you and your company.

Use social media to reveal your brand’s personality


Types of Content

The blog articles should answer questions people frequently ask or demonstrate what they want to know how to do.

Information. You can provide info on a variety of topics around your product. This lets you be seen as the expert and problem solver. This is an easy way to start out for a small business whether you are a tax accountant, travel consultant or Fitness trainer.

Mission. What is the mission of your company? Like-minded people will get behind you and support your causes. Tom’s Shoes and most philanthropic organizations fall into this category.

Inspiration. Can you inspire your followers? Nike is an expert at using inspiration.

Convenience. Can you help your customers do something faster, cheaper or more easily? Amazon, Grub Hub, Uber, and McDonald’s are examples of companies that provide convenience.

Entertainment. Can you provide entertainment value? Geiko, Disney, and Netflix are good examples.

Solve a problem. Show how you helped a customer overcome a problem. Nordstrom’s, FedEx and Avis have excellent customer service and pride themselves on solving customer problems.

Time Line

This whole process does take a while. However, you will engage with your customers and create a lasting relationship. Once you have built the relationship you can start selling a product or your services. They will know and trust you and come to you when the need arises.

Lizabeth Kohler